Lesson 14 – Of Truth, of Faith, of Error, and Lying from the Wisdom of the Sages.

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Of Truth, of Faith, of Error, and Lying from the Wisdom of the Sages.

1. Truth is the guide of all goodness.
2. Faith shines in danger.
3. Honour is the fruit of Virtue and Truth; and for the Truth, a man shall be worshipped.
4. He that uses Truth hath more, and mightier, servants than a King.
5. There is no difference between a great Teller of tidings and a Liar
6. There is no goodness in a Liar.
7. A faithful man is better than gold.
8. Lying is a sickness of the Soul; which cannot be cured but by Shame or Reason.
9. He ought not to lie that takes upon him to teach others.
10. Truth is the Messenger of God: which every man ought to worship, for the love of her Master.
11. Of small Errors, not hindered a the beginning, spring great and mighty mischiefs.